Absorbent Pad

Absorbent Pad

Types Composition Thickness
AP 100 Cellulose 0.5 mm
AP 250 Cellulose 0.7 mm
AP 350 Cellulose 0.9 mm
AP 400 Cellulose 1.1 mm
AP 500 Cellulose 1.2 mm

An absorbent pad, located at downstream end of the test, controls the sample flow along the strip. The primary function of the absorbent pad is to increase the total volume of sample that enters the test strip. This increased volume can be used to wash unbound detector particles away from the test and control lines, thereby lowering the background and enhancing assay sensitivity. Cellulose fibers are the most commonly used materials to make the absorbent pad. These have excellent absorption capacity and thus help drive the flow of test fluids across the NC membrane.

FCD offers various types of absorbent pads with different thickness and properties for dipstick as well as device formats. The key attribute of the FCD absorbent pad is the uniform thickness, absorption capacity and most important of all, uniformity of bed volume. Absorbent pads are available in roll, sheet, and strip form.

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