Sample Pad

Sample Pad

Types Composition Thickness
SGF-01 (Untreated) Glassfiber 0.35 mm
SGF-02 (Treated) Glassfiber 0.35 mm
SGF-03 (Treated) Glassfiber 0.50 mm
SGF-04 (Treated) Glassfiber 0.50 mm
SRP-01(Untreated) Polyester 0.35 mm
SRP-02 (Treated) Polyester 0.35 mm
SRP-03 (Treated) Polyester 0.35 mm

Sample pad is an important component and starting point of the lateral flow immunoassay. This is where the test sample is applied on the test device. The sample pad ensures the even and controlled movement of the specimen onto the conjugate pad. It can also control the rate at which liquid enters the conjugate pad, preventing flooding of the device. When impregnated with components such as proteins, detergents, and buffer salts, the sample pad can also be used to manipulate sample movement and prevent non-specific binding.

FCD offers two types of sample pads, one is Glass fiber and other is polyester material. The nonreactive and non binding properties of sample pads allows steady and uniform flow of analyte and prevents undesired binding of specimen components to the pad. Sample pads are formed by specific production process with special treatment which results in good hydrophilicity of the pads. Sample pads are available in roll, sheet, and strip form.

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